It's me, again

Hey everyone! How are you? I'm fine. It's been some time since my last post, but you're used to that, I suppose. Today, or rather, this week, I decided to make an unordinary post. I mean, it's not that unordinary since I write it the same way I do others, but at least I write more in it, or, at least, planned it that way. Basically, I was thinking about my life, about everything, about future, about how I will manage to make it through. This is, of course, not the first time I've been thinking about these kind of things, but I do believe that is normal.

Let's start then, shall we? Since many of your newcomers who now read my blog have yet to read my introduction post, I guess you should do that, first. Read me!

Yes, that's me. My name is not Rio, but Pascal Kammer. By now, my age is 17 and I am about to finish school. I am German, and do live in Germany. As some of your may have guessed, I'm not too fond of my real name, that's why I chose to be Rio. No, that's wrong. Not I chose to be Rio, Mirodir did. My online name was Glamurio, and everyone called me "Glam" or "Glamu". Someday, Mirodir said something like "I'll not call you like your last three letters, "Rio". At first I was like... well, a little unhappy about that fact. I mean, it's not easy having someone calling you completely different after such a long time. But then, I began to like the name, many more started to call me this way, and there we go, Rio was born. Or rather reborn. Whatever floats your boat.

So, since I just mentioned Mirodir, I guess I can talk about him too, right? Mirodir is a good friend, and certainly my best one. I've known Mirodir for, I think 3 or 4 years, if not longer by now, and we still talk together, do things together. We don't do it as often as we did it back then, but it's amazing we still keep contact. Mirodir is a very sensitive person, he can be very empathetic and understands when you have problems, but yet he's also a very strong person who's able to deal with his own troubles and rather solves it himself than with the help of others. Back then, I was really different. I was much more childish, raged much, I was a terrible person. I've apologized several times to him because he was always the one suffering from it, even though it never bothered him. I am proud of having him as a friend, and I really look forward to the day we will meet in real-life.

About the fact that I changed, well. The person who made me change was no other than my previous girlfriend, "Tasha". Actually, her full name is Natascha, and I call her Tascha, but since I wasn't sure many english people can pronounce it right I just wrote "Tasha", wihout an "s". She made me change myself. I think I even mentioned that several times now, but she was the one to tell me "Hey, change yourself, you're an asshole.". Actually, many did that every once and then, but I didn't listen. Why would I? But with her, she was my girlfriend, someone close to my, someone I would've done everything for, why would she try to trick me? So I figured she must be right, and I really am an asshole. That's where I realized a lot of things and became the Rio you know now. She still is a person I treasure as noone else, and we're still trying to be friends, because both of us wouldn't like losing each other forever.

Now, about my past in the internet. Of course, I didn't meet people right at the start, befriended them and that's it, it was a lot more complicated. There's about 50 people I can remember which I apparently stopped having contact with for whatever reason. One I still have contact with, is "Albi". That's just how am used to call her, and for privacy reasons I will not post her full name. "Albi" is the shortcut for "Albtraum", which means "Nightmare" in english. I've known her even longer than Mirodir, or I think about as long. The two of them never really met, though I do believe they had contact. Albi was one of my closest friends back then, but due to some "not-nice" events our friendship kind of ended for a while, meaning we stopped talking and lost interest in each other. Every now and then we chatted each other in MSN, but that did not happen too often. Anyways, recently I've started calling her a bit more often, and we talk with each other, often for a long time and often about completely unlogical topics, but it's fun to have her around.

I just looked how much I wrote already. Boy, who would've thought it would be THAT much. Besides, since we're just talking about past, I've decided to try to get in contact again with a lot more people than just Albi and Jenny, since they were good friends, and it makes no sense not having them around anymore.


  1. Yo~ Rio. I just read BOTH of your posts on XFire and here, ahaha.

    I've learned alot of stuff about you just by reading it, so.. I'm glad I could. I hope I can continue talking with you sometime! Maybe that would get me engaged into many conversations again!

    Thanks. I'm glad to be your friend, honestly. I hope we never have a problem between us!

    ~ Jenny


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