Aspects of Affinity

You know, I started thinking lately about the fact that I could go back to old posts of mine and censor information that was written years ago retroactively and nobody would really know about it. Since this is a niche blog, a lot of people don't stop by more than once anyway and every new reader wouldn't know that there's information that's been altered. Kind of a scary thought, no?

Hi, it's been a while. A lot has happened and it's crazy to me when I think about that it has been just short under three weeks. It felt a lot longer, but I look at the dates and I cross reference them with the people I've been talking to and I'm baffled by the notion that it's only been less than three weeks. Time is such a weird thing, it always passes in such a way that you never truly understand it. Mere moments feel like hours, and months can go by without you even noticing. It must be nice if your assigned aspect is Time.

Ah, aspects. They're like this little idea of mine, I don't personally take them serious, but I do find the very concept of them alluring. Basically, every person is assigned an aspect at birth which affects their life in various ways. In an every day setting, this is hardly noticeable, for instance if your aspect is time you'd be fairly punctual and the passing of time would really not faze you. You'd have a solid grasp on how many minutes have passed, etc. But if you add a more dramatic nature as often found in video games to it, there's a slew of game mechanics that could spring up from the idea.

My aspect is Luck, for the record. Or depending on how you wish to define it, Chance or Fortune. I do not consider myself a gambler, but I've always felt a strong affinity with the concept of luck. Mind you, I'm not a particularly lucky person per sé, but things have always had a habit of working out for me, one way or another. That doesn't mean that everything I wish for comes to pass, rather, that I tend to avoid the very worst outcomes by sheer chance. At the end of the day, I recognize it's little more than a fantastical concept that lives in my head, but it's fun to imagine a world where this is further realized. I won't fully deny that there's some grains of Homestuck scattered in the idea, but that's neither here nor there.

It's interesting, I started out writing this blog post thinking I was going to start talking about my job in detail. I'm a web developer, have I mentioned that? But instead I went on a tangent about the concept of aspects instead. I truly am a scatterbrain. Nevertheless, there will be more chances in the future to talk about my job, I'm sure. And since I'm speaking of my life, the romantic interest I had spoken about has not quite blossomed the way I intended it to. But such is the cycle of life, right? By the way, Love? Yeah. That's also an aspect. One that I am clearly not very affine to.

I've gotten back into modding, at last! But wait, do you guys even know that I used to mod games in the first place? I've no idea. But that's what I do now again. The game? The Binding of Isaac, I mentioned it about two posts ago. It's honestly very refreshing to do that again, I program all day for work, but doing something in a different language, LUA in this case, just feels different. It's kind of nice.

I don't really have a video to leave you with today, I'm sad to say. I could go and look for one, but I'm honestly way too lazy to do that. You know how the internet works, don't you? Find yourself a nice video and pretend I sent it. You're welcome.


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