Boredom reigns~ Part 4

Actually, it's not even boredom, I just don't have anything better to do. And I don't want to always look totally emo when I'm making posts, so I decided to tell you something less depressing. I could've named it "Rio's Happiness", but I noticed my last "Boredom reigns~" post is miles back, so rather do that. First off, I know my life sucks and can be very hard at times, but would I still keep on living if it would be like that all the time? Hell, no. So here I go telling you a bit about the good things that happened in my life, once.

With the thing about my girlfriend, excuse me, ex-girlfriend, she called and we had a talk, she read what I wrote, something I did not expect, and now it's kind of settled. I mean we might be no longer together, however we still care for each other and that is what matters most, I suppose. So I'm feeling a bit better than usual. I've actually managed to not cry this day, maybe it'll stay like that! That'd be awesome.

Also, this will be the first time I'll introduce you to a rather new person in my life. Wriggle. That is atleast how most people call him. I will not tell his real name since he might not want it. Anyways, Wriggle. Since I suppose you'll be reading this, I can also talk to you. We might not know each other for a long time, but at least you cheered me up like nobody else did in the past few weeks, you also were the one I spend the most time with in the past weeks, we played a lot together, you introduced me to some very nice friends of you, too, and we even talked via phone. I just wanted to thank you for all the time you've been there for me, even if it's not much and our friendship may not last forever, at least you'll always have a place in this very post.

I have also been thinking about changing my link boxes you see on the right. However I seriously do not want to go through all the effort with searching matching pictures and put some letters on them. So I'll just leave it for now. Maybe if someone of you guys find 4 matching pictures, then please tell me, I'll take a look at them! 3 should do, too!

For now, farewell everyone, I hope you enjoyed this post since it will be one of the few posts where you see me happy! Or at least I think so. Maybe I'll make these kind of posts more often now! Who knows?


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