This times game: Left 4 Dead 2

This game is the most epic game ever. I know, I say this about every game I play, but in the genre survival shooter this game is just epic. Epic. The game is a team-game, you can't play it on your own, when you run head long into a zombie horde while your team is somewhere behind and a Hunter gets you (Quick jumping zombies.) you won't be able to free yourself. And while your teams leaves everything behind to try to rescue you, the Hunter will rip you apart before they are even close. I think I made a post about the first Left 4 Dead, but I'm not sure. Anyway, some gameplay info.

The Characters:

Nick - The Gambler

Age: 35
Hometown: Unknown

A lifetime of drifting from city to city, finding back-alley card games and trying to stay out of jail has taught Nick two valuable lessons: Don’t trust anyone, and look out for number one.

He’d come down to Savannah looking for some gullible fish on the riverboat gambling cruise circuit. Instead he found a city about to be engulfed by infection. Now he finds himself forced together with three complete strangers in a fragile alliance that goes against every instinct he lives by. But he’s going to have to learn to trust them if he wants to survive.

Rochelle - The Producer

Age: 29
Hometown: Cleveland, OH

As a low-level associate producer for a big-name news station, Rochelle's job mostly consisted of lugging cables and fetching coffee. But when the outbreak hit and staff started calling in sick, Rochelle got her break: producing a segment from Savannah about the evacuation center located there. She was still setting up the cameras when her big story became a war zone.

But that doesn't mean she's letting go of her dream job yet. Surviving a zombie apocalypse is just something else she can use her wits and drive to produce the hell out of.

Coach - The Coach

Age: 44
Hometown: Savannah, GA

Coach has a big heart, a healthy appetite, and a wicked swing with a chainsaw. After a knee injury ended his career as a defensive lineman in college, Coach salvaged his Physical Education degree (barely) and landed a job teaching health at the local high school in his hometown of Savannah.

Working as a defensive coordinator for the freshmen team might not have been the best path to a pro coaching career; but it’s come in pretty handy in guiding a group of Survivors to safety. Coach has watched his beloved hometown get ravaged by infected—now it’s time to deliver his own brand of Southern hospitality.

Ellis - The Mechanic

Age: 23
Hometown: Savannah, GA

Ellis is a mechanic with a love of life, a firm belief in his own immortality, and the ability to treat any setback as a fun dare to impress his friends. Born and raised in Savannah, Ellis divvies up his time working at the local garage, hanging out with his buddies, and dropping by for Sunday dinners with Mom—why’d anybody want to live anywhere else?

Then the zombies had to go and spoil it. Now Ellis is looking for new things to occupy his time, and finding plenty. It turns out the zombie apocalypse is one big dare, and there’s no shortage of crazy stuff he can try to impress his new buddies.

The Enemies:


A quick zombie who jumps around in the area, and while he does that you can barely hit him. His ability is to pounce onto a survivor and rip him apart. You cannot free yourself. Another survivor needs to shoot or punch him off of you, or you're dead.


A somewhat ugly zombie who strikes from range. His ability is to catch a survivor off guard and drag him with his tongue, often from behind. You cannot free yourself. If the other survivors don't notice that a smoker dragged a survivor from behind they cannot free you, unless they shoot the smoker or run to you and free you. He leaves smoke once he's destroyed.


A fat, male or female zombie who surprises the survivors. He strikes while waiting behind doors, upon roofs or somewhere to catch the survivors off guard. He pukes the survivors, and those who are puked are blinded for a few seconds and swarmed by normal infected. When you shoot him at close range you get puked as well.


A small fast zombie who jumps onto survivors and steer them away from the others. You cannot free yourself. The Jockey has very low health and isn't much of a danger when attacking alone, but once your group is splits and a Jockey gets you, you're pretty much done when the others don't notice it.


A pregnant woman which spits acid out of her mouth. She has probably the lowest health, and she has to attack from somewhere where she isn't seen. Once she spits, a large amount of acid lands on the ground and does loads of damage when you don't quickly get out of it.


A big zombie with a giant right arm. Now guess what he does. He charges. He comes from far away range, sometimes from behind, sometimes surprises from the front, but when he gets someone he grabs him and runs really far away, once he's at max range or hits a wall, he starts to smash the survivor into the ground untill he's dead. The charger has a small amount of health.


The Witch is a crying female zombie who either sits on the ground or walks around uncoordinated. Careful, this zombie is one hell of an enemy. The Witch won't attack you until you piss her off. Aim with the light on her, walk really close or shoot her to get her to attack you. When the Witch hits you, you lose 100 hp on instant and land on the ground, and when the other survivors don't shoot the Witch in the next seconds you're friggin' done.


This is the strongest zombie. A giant bigass zombie who has amazingly high hp. The whole team needs to work together to beat a tank, he does loads of damage when he hits you and his high hp makes him unbeatable when you face him alone. He can throw rocks, as well.

And at the end, the intro video of the game.


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