Ritsu's the name!

Yo, how's it going, everyone?

I've been doing surprisingly good. I don't know why, but I somehow feel that I still have enough time to make things right, it's a weird, overwhelming feeling I haven't really felt before. I wonder if that has something to do with the fact that my mother made my favorite food today.

So anyways, yeah, I've been doing really good so I have decided to make yet another blog post. Some stuff happened, so I have a little bit to talk about, too. First off, I've watched more K-ON! recently, I have totally forgotten how amazing and adorable this anime is. I've almost completed season one now and after that, I might as well start the second season. I have also talked with Albi (or Lara, how I should call her from now on) and we got along really well. It's great to see that even your old friends are still as awesome as they were when you met them. Talking about old friends, I've had a fight with Eliz about how my advices make things worse for her. I can't blame her, since that actually was the fact for her once, but the whole argument was somewhat pointless, and I'm glad we're over it by now.

I have been downloading Final Fantasy XIV the past days, since the Open Beta just got released. Rather, I have been trying to. First off, you have to open ports in order to get a decent download speed, otherwise you'll be stuck at 20kB/s with a 3GB patch. Good luck with that. Secondly, I have been installing this very game since yesterday. Yes. By now, it is almost finished with the first 5GB, I think about 4 GB are left. I don't think I'll grow to like the game very much, and the sole, and only reason I actually went through all this effort is because you can create a race which is called Lalafell. In anime terms, that would mean you're able to create lolis.

Now, where most of my friends already know the fact that I'm Lolicon, it might sound strange for everyone else. It's happened that I've been called a weirdo, or a pervert for thinking so. But I can't help that I really do admire the way lolis are drawn and the way they usually act like. It's similar to any other fetish. Masochism and sadism included. Of course many people are like "But they're little girls! That's wrong! You're pedophile!" Truely, despite the fact that I like to think of myself as a pedophile (that is something where you can call me weird), I am not pedophile. When I think of Lolicon, I don't think of real life girls at all. I don't relate it. Lolis act different than children in the real world. That is where the difference lies.

Enough with that, I'm getting off-topic. Someone chatted me today and showed me something interesting. Not interesting because of its content, rather because of its name. You can witness this very something, here. Don't ask me what it is, as far as I know it's supposed to be an anime. I like their name idea, naturally, even if it does sound somewhat... gay. No offence. Also, Mikun has asked me to create a subbing team with him. I told him that I'd think about it, I'd be a leader after all, but I'm really not sure if I'm to all the time wasting, really. I'll think about it.

When I woke up today, my mom was looking at me, I'm assuming that she was the reason I suddenly couldn't sleep anymore, I don't know how long she's been staring at me while I was asleep, but I don't want to know. Anyhow, she told me my dad was here, and he quickly looked for more work around, since I failed at finding anything that could possibly interest me. Well, he found something in my area. Yup, if things work out fine, I'll be a hearing aid acoustician soon. That are those people who... well, help people hear? They produce hearing aid of all sorts. Not the best job I could've wished for, but its worth the money, I suppose.

Oh, in case anyone wondered about the name, Ritsu is a character of K-ON!, my favorite to be precise, and currently my avatar and appearance in Steam. Do you think I overdid it with the wallpaper? Well, at least you can understand why I love her so much, now!

Geez, I guess that was about all I had to say for this time. I hope I find the time to write some more reviews, soon, because I will have a load of information, waiting to be posted. See you around!


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