Realism, ho!

Greetings, everyone! Life's been okay for a while now, I can't wait for the next time when everything's ruined again!

Just kidding. I think things might work out as they are now. Currently, I've been asked if I would happen to want to test that new job I'll be working as, so I'll go introduce myself next week tuesday. Other than that, much stuff has happened. I've met quite some new people, some more, some less interesting. Also, I've chatted quite much with Patty recently, and he and I, well, mostly he, set up a Team Fortress 2 Melee Only server, so in case you're interested, my Steam Group should hold all the info you need.

So yes, Amnesia: The Dark Descent finally came out recently, and it's certainly the most fucking scary game I've ever played in my entire life. I'm sometimes scared to continue playing, because my heart just can't take anymore. Maybe I'm overdoing this, but even F.E.A.R wasn't as scary as this is. In F.E.A.R you could shoot if you're scared. Here? All you can do is run. Run and hide, and hope to survive, hope they lose interest and move on. Sometimes it's just plain scary, dark places, that kind of stuff. Not much happens and you just move on, just knowing that something might happen any fucking second. And then? You hear some kind of monster, then you see something coming around the corner, and all you can fucking do is run. You hear the screams behind you, your character starts to breathe heavily, because his sanity drowns slowly. That's the kind of game it is. Enjoy with caution.
So, on the exact other site, Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale came out two days after. I'll make it short. Basically, you have an item shop, gather items with your adventurer, and then sell them in your shop. You can customise your shop and all, and the story is pretty cool. It's anime-styled, of course. I've been playing it quite much recently, too, mostly to calm myself down from the creepy situations in Amnesia before. I have yet to complete both games, however.

I've watched a lot more of K-ON!!, too, most of the time when I'm eating or not doing anything else. I sometimes really do not know what to do, and that is when I start chatting, watching animes, or just stare at the screen for an unknown amount of time. I wonder if that's a bad thing, that I have nothing that really interests me in life. I mean I do have things that interest me, and things I enjoy, but I don't know. I really just don't know.

Ah, whatever, I guess. Life's good so far, might as well make the best out of it. See you later!


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