It's over 90000!

Alright! It's finally happened! Maybe due to me being derpy I haven't noticed earlier, but I've recently just hit 100000 views on my blog! That's amazing!

When I started out with my blog, I was pretty sure I'd be damn happy if a few 1000 were going to read this, but now look at all the way I've gone. Sure, I know that 50% of those opened this page for a second and closed it, and 25% haven't stayed longer than 5 minutes. Maybe another 15% scrolled down a few pages, but that leaves us with at least 10% of people who at least casually sometimes check my blog for updates and like to read it. And I like that.

I would give you a price, but theoretically you are just a number, and I wouldn't know what sort of price to give to such an occasion. A game? Music? Reviews? I don't know.

So anyways, Gamescom happened and my girlfriend went there, hope she's having a great time, I'd love to tag along but it's way too far for me, and I don't have the money to go there. She said she's bring me a souvenir, I found that cute. Riot Games is there currently, they gave out Nasus Riot K-9 skins on Twitter, and now here's the good part. Have I told you I won a Fullmetal Pantheon skin on Twitter recently? Twice? Yeah I gave one to Mirodir because he hasn't won any. Now guess what, I didn't get no Nasus skin, but Miro got two. Coincidence much?

Naturally I played Games, too. Namely Bastion and From Dust. Bastion is an amazing 2D hack 'n slay with a brilliant, breath-taking storyline. Let me just post you my absolute favorite track from the game.

When I heard that song ingame, I stopped moving and was blown away by the beauty of this game. Her voice is so amazing, and the moment when it played ingame... I have nothing to say to that. Listen, be amazed.

As for From Dust, it's a lot like Black and White, you play "God" but instead of manipulating objects, you manipulate the earth itself, you take sand, water and lava to form ground and solve different level puzzles to help your tribe survive and populate this world. It's pretty beautiful and unique, but the controls are a pain in the ass.

Other than that, I wouldn't know right. Hope you guys are doing fine. We'll see each other!


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