Something Nifty

So Lena was finally here.

I'm not entirely sure what to say, I'm a little mixed with emotions and all. It was awesome and amazing and all that, but I'm also really sad that she left again. We originally planned for her to stay two weeks, but it all turned out a little different, her laptop broke and my leg was cankerous on the side so we couldn't really go outside either, we still did somewhat and the weather outside was shitty, too, but I had to show around at least a bit. And did I mention cankerous sounds like kangaroos in my head?

So, what did we do, well. We, of course, did couple-stuff. Do this, do that, saying sweet stuff, making out, the usual, I won't go any more private than that because, you guessed it, it's sorta private. While I'm really open minded and wouldn't mind sharing everything with the world, I do not know her views and I'm thinking she wouldn't approve of it. So, we also played League of Legends, mostly me, sometimes her, showed her pretty much all of my games, which wasn't too much because I just recently formated my external, but still a bunch. Spore, Gleam of Force, The Last Remnant, Serious Sam, Swords and Soldiers, Street Fighter IV, Poker Night at the Inventory, Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, you know, "games". Really anything.

So aside from that, I showed her a little around the city, and she told me she has a fascination with churches, how they're built, the structure, the desingn. Can't blame her, they are usually pretty impressive and a lot of money flows into the building itself. But we both happily agreed that god is non-existant.

So she was as amazing as I've thought, we spent a lot of time together, had a lot of fun, and really love each other just as much as we expected. She was cuter in reality than I had expected, which is of course a big plus, and I don't know what else to say, really. I might be making another blogpost when I feel like it. Or maybe not.

Thanks for reading! See you soon. Or not.


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