I tried to think of something catchy, but nothing came to mind.

Just kidding, I'm really worried about you! Or am I...?
Nah, kidding again. Well, where to start this time... Oh, right, the artist. Do you see the picture above? If not, I'll explain it to you, it's uh... a black haired, fox lady with a purple at her hands and eyes, wielding a slightly unusual weapon which resembles some sort of mix between mace and scythe. Half her face is covered in a black scaled substance. Weird stuff when you come to think of it. I found this artist, Shirogane Usagi recently on gelbooru when I was staring at almost every picture in there. I was so amazed, I downloaded half of them at the first sight. He does great stuff, and I'm sure there's more coming. Above picture is also my current desktop background, in case you've been wondering about that.
Why am I posting today? Because I've got to visit the dentist in an hour and got nothing else to do right now. Also I've been reading through comments in my blog. You know, it's neat if friends comment on your profile, but somewhere, somehow, their minds have already been tainted with an opinion of you, meaning, they like you, they'll post a nice comment. Usually, 'course there's always exceptions, but usually it's like that. I think you should value you those comments and treasure them. But what really catches your attention, and what really makes you smile out of nowhere, is when there's a stranger commenting on your blog and telling you to keep up the good work. It was so out of nowhere, and so unexpected, I just don't know. You can tell they really mean it, because they've got no other opinion of you. They don't know you, basically, and still say that. Of course I'm just that sort of stranger. I found a blog while, while back and started reading it randomly, commenting and hoping for a sign, because as it seemed, the blogger stopped blogging. Well about a month ago I noticed that there's been new posts and I read them eagerly. I don't know why, I don't know that person, but I wish I did. I somehow like the way he blogs. Oh, and to quickly show you what I mean, you might want to click here.
So, that aside, I've played EVEN MORE League of Legends recently. I still enjoy that game and won't give up so easily. But also, I've played the Tales of Monkey Island. No, not the old games (I already played some of them, though), I mean the new one. It's pretty neat, made my TellTale Games (Which I've come to admire, somewhat). The graphics are fancy, the humor is genius, and it's got everything what a good adventure game would need. If you like those kind of games OR the Monkey Island Storyline, you really want to check that shit out. Also, that game Two Worlds II came out. Yeah, well I've been getting so many stories about how awesome it is, I've really decided to test it myself. And... I'm not impressed. Sure, it has an almost open world like Fallout games, and the graphics don't look too bad. But the fighting system isn't really what you can call good. Remember Fable? A game that came out... I don't know, 2004? That game had a better fighting system than Two Worlds II. Seriously. And the game, IT HAS NO AUTOLOCK. Meaning, you have to face the opponent, your character doesn't actually lock the target to hit properly. Remember Zelda: The Wind Waker? That game had a better autolock system than this shit. Such small mistakes make you want to rage. The game has potential, but I seem to obviously fail to grasp it. Did I mention that there's literally NO EMOTION in the faces while they talk? Especially the main character. I should stop talking about this, bleh.
So yeah, Anime. Hm. Detective Conan, currently episode 205. And obviously Naruto Shippuuden, episode 185. Conan's as entertaining as always, can't wait to continue it, and Naruto's just been meh the past few weeks. Filler after filler, it's like they want us to drop the whole shit. Oh, and I've looked into Panty & Stocking. Yeah, uh, I'm not usually the person that follows hyped shit, but...
Anyway, that's it from me! I need to get ready for the dentist. We'll see each other next time. Well, seeing as in, reading. Catch you later!
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