Horrible Harrowing, everyone.

So, yeah. What happened, let me think. It's been weeks, hasn't it? There's no way I can say not much happened, but I somehow feel like that's exactly the case. Let's see if I can't somehow summarize the things I've done.
About the work, I looked together with my mother through the newspaper, but there was nothing really fitting, most of the stuff required that you already knew what you're going to do. Such as a Call Center Agent, I applied for that. Or at least tried to. I called them, asked if it were okay if I'd apply even if I have no knowledge in such a job, and they said no. Their loss, I guess, probably would've been good at it. Hm, so yeah, still nothing new. I do intend to get things going though, so I'll tell the Job Center that I have no job to receive some extra support money to get along with my mother (something which I should've done moths ago already, but I was sometimes to lazy and everytime I tried, nobody replied there).
Anyways. I've been asked what I'll watch next, as for animes. I wonder. I definetely had something in mind a while ago, but I just can't seem to remember. For now, I'm still busy enough with Detective Conan, since it has about 500 Episodes and I usually just watch when I eat. Oh, and I just remembered what I was going to watch afterwards. Panty & Stocking, I think that's how it's called. Everybody I know seems to be talking about that now, it's rather famous, yet many people haven't heard about it. From what I've been told it seems like an anime I could grow to like, so I'll see into that.
Hm, about games. I've played much. Like, really much. Team Fortress 2 had a Halloween event going on, you were playing on a new map and there was a Boss Map spawning every now and then. Of course new Halloween achievements, too. Then, I played Fallout: New Vegas. I've been waiting so long for it, and by now I've already played and finished it twice and am not fully done. It was obvious that this was going to be just as genius as Fallout 3. You really should look into it. I love it. Another game I played, while still waiting for FNV release was Black and White 2. By now it's almost old again, but the graphics aren't too bad and the possibilities are still as amazing as they were when I first played it. Almost at the same time, Sims 3 released a new add-on, called "Late Night". For those who've played Sims 2 it's pretty much the same as Sims 2 "Night Life". Bunch of new features and stuff, and a new map, which was pretty neat. Also, a rather unknown game, but unbelievable epic nonetheless and just released recently, Shank. Now Shank is a game like any other Beat 'em Up with storyline, but it still didn't fail to amaze me. It's pretty much what you'd expect, and it was quite fun to play. I'd say the boss battles are a bit weird. They are usually incredibly hard and take you ages unless you figure out the trick to it, then they're too easy. The Blood Bowl Legendary Edition came out, too, and is just as awesome as the previous one. I think they doubled the amount of races available, and added some neat new stages to play on. Not something for anyone, but definetely something for me. And last but not least, League of Legends. Now I've been playing that a while now, and they just released the new champion LeBlanc. I guess that game never gets boring.
Phew, I didn't know I had to tell you that much about games, but I'm finally finished. Oh, and since I'm at it, Happy Halloween, I'm a bit late for that but I did not have the time (or patience) earlier on to do so. Don't hate me for it. Unless you already do. I guess then that's fine.
Oh, and just to quickly mention it, I haven't met many fun people this time, but at least someone, called Ronrinesu, which I recently started spending more time with. He's a weird sort, somehow really sympathetic, and he thinks my profile text in Steam is "wondrous". I felt a little honored so I chatted him up and that's how we met.
So, that's it for today. I hope I get around to write more, it looks so abandoned if the last post is weeks back. Farewell!
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