Gotta keep walkin'

SO, yeah, main reason for me to write this post was to tell you that I actually had real life this saturday. YES UNBELIEVABLE I KNOW. No, it wasn't because there was an Otaku meeting right in my town (though that would be reason enough, too), no, I met a girl I've known for... 3 years? I mentioned her before, no idea how, though. I may have said "Albi", which is a nickname she had because of her name "Albtraum", German for "Nightmare". I'm not sure if she's fine with the fact that I say her real name, so I better don't, she'll be embarassed enough that I do a whole post because of her. And she'll probably punch me next time we meet.
So anyways, we met. I pretty much spent all my spare money on that meeting, too. I thought it would be worth it. Well, we live pretty close to each other, so we figured it might not hurt to actually meet once. And so we did. Oh, and just so you know, we're not together or anything. We spent the whole day walking in that city, it was fun, really. Usually I hate walking, and my feet hurt after a few hours because I'm not used to it, but just talking with her totally made up for it. I really like talking to her, I think she's one of the few people out there who can really appreciate me, and she actually laughs about the nonsense I talk about (Well, she talks nonsense herself that I laugh about, so I guess we're even). We went into a few stores here and there and browsed through various shops, one being a certain bookstore which she knows from her own town, which is where we spent at least 1 hour. She likes to read, so it's probably obvious that she likes these kind of things. It's not like it was boring, they had a lot of Mangas, too. I know, I said I don't like Mangas, but it's the closest thing to Anime an Otaku can find in this cold, cold world (Aside from DVDs, but I haven't seen those anywhere.) The day was much fun, and I loved spending time with her. And I know you're reading this, I hope it was just as much fun for you.
Other than that, Poker Night at the Inventory came out, and I love it. And since I'm such a lazy person, I'll just summarize it. It's Poker with 4 people out of different games and series. Epic. I wrote a full recommendation on Steam, if you want to read more about it. To read it, you need to have an account, though. You can see it here.
Long story short, that's all I have for now. I'll do my best to keep you guys up to date regarding my life. Stay tuned!
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