Plasmatic cheese from another universe.

I'm beginning to doubt the reason for my very existence. That, and I'm running out of names for my blogposts.

I don't know where exactly I am trying to get with my current situation. I have no job, I do not visit any kind of school. I have no income of my own, and by now, I am 17 years old. If this goes on, I'll be ending on the street, soon. Don't be fooled by the nice looks of my parents, my dad clearly told me "As long as you don't have a job, you don't even need to think about living here."
As my mother clearly does not get enough money anymore to take care of both of us, even that possibility fails.

Now don't you all come here and say "Yeah, then go get a job."
If it were that easy, I'd have one already. It's not like I didn't try. I admit I didn't even try that hard, but I put a lot of effort in it, and all for nothing. I am unable to find any of the jobs I would like to do around here, since they're either taken, too far away or non-existing. And everybody tells me that I must not ever do some kind of job which I won't like. The heck am I supposed to do, then? I still haven't gotten a reply on the application I've send out regarding the newspaper. I might be able to get that part time job, but still, it'll be just a part time job.

Come to think of it, I wrote this post because I felt lonely. I'm not saying I don't have any friends. I do have quite a few, and I'm proud to have those. But still, you guys aren't always there when I need you. Right now, the only people around are Kumiko and Crimson, because it's in their timezone, and even they are busy being away or playing. I usually stay up this late, which means I don't really share the same sleeping times as you other guys. It's a shame, really. Also, pretty much people deleted me for various reasons. I don't know why, but it was probably because of a lacking conversation. Even though I tried to chat with most of them, they were mostly away or did not reply. It's not my fault, so, whatever.

On my adventureous quest to find a fitting picture for today's blog I found out that you find just as much pictures about Nazrin when searching for the keyword "cheese" as when you search for her actual name. A funny coincidence. Well, she is a Mouse-Youkai after all, so I can't blame anyone. I've been watching Naruto on and on and have finally reached the newest episode. Now, I'm eagerly awaiting the next episode, a new arc will start, and that also means there will be a new opening! I can't wait! I've also played Pokémon, since I don't do much other things nowadays, but I've played less than usual because even that gets boring if there's nobody to play with.

I think I still wanted to say something just now, but I forgot it the moment I wanted to type it. I wonder what it was... Was it important? I can't tell anymore. I'm sure I'll let you guys now once I remember it. Anyway, see you around.


  1. Oh dear
    If you say the Jobs you'd like to do are too far away, then your probably not that interested in getting that Job. Sometimes in your live you will have to make a compromise.
    Anyway I know its hard to find a Job you like to do, da friend of me is trying since a year to bekome a train operator or something like that.

    Moreover I m curious if I m one of the Persons you think they deleted you.
    If so your wrong I just blocked you to
    back off myself from trying to talk with you.
    Sounds cruel but thenever I try I feel blue.
    Sorry ... thats realy cruel of me D:
    I'll unblock you and kick my ass. >_<
    But maybe you didnt even notice errr
    I m cruel anyway :o

    good luck with the job hunting thing ~

  2. My birthday's just around the corner, after which I'll be able to sign a release of rights in the events of work-related injury.

    I think that might be the limiting factor on my employment here, aside from the fact that I'm competing with adults to serve fast-food after two local factories closed, but it's food for thought.

    Perhaps it's just your age?

  3. Perhaps, heh.

    Anyhow, good luck on your side, and I hope to remember when your birthday is because I don't want to be one of the last guys to congratulate you for it.

  4. You know the meaning of the date Rio ^^?

    30.8. ? Well, I really thought YOU would send me Congrats on my birthday, but instead you wrote this sad post :<!

    Well, maybe you dont have a job for now, but you shouldnt give up, sometimes it takes more time to find one.

  5. I did congratulate you in ICQ! What in the world? Of course I'd remember it. Are you sure haven't just overlooked it? You were offline when I sent the message after all, and I know just too well how ICQ tends to fuck up offline messages.

  6. Hey. I know life looks pretty low right now, it seems like things don't want to work your way. It's frustrating - tiresome even - it makes you want to give in. A wise man once told me "The world is much like a book, full of adventure, opportunity, change, sad stories, and happy resolutions. But you'll never know about it unless you open it up and take a look, you need to turn the pages, reread things, take a step back and think."

    What stories have you left unsung, what opportunities have you left unnoticed? Your story is just starting out, you're young; you have a big future ahead of you.

    I'd like to read your book sometime, the story of your life; cry at the sad parts, and find closure in its happy resolution. Don't give in until it's over, there's still a lot of pages you have left to write.

    Take care, Stranger.


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