Boredom reigns~ Part 5

Did any of you guys every notice how often I say "It's been a while, I know!" at the start of those freaking blog posts? Kind of scared me when I noticed. Anyways, back to topic.

If there were any topic. Once again, your Emperor feels a little too bored and thought it might be nice to write another post around here. Since I don't particularly have any idea on my mind, I'll just give you a short review of the past week.

As I've told you, I played Sengoku Rance quite a lot, but I think after the 3rd time I completed the game, it's gotten boring. Not to say it's gotten less exciting, but I just lack the motivation to actually play it. I'm always like "What for?". Speaking of motivation, I've been watching Naruto more and more lately! By now, I'm at Episode 65. It's alot more interesting than I thought it would be. But that's a good thing after all, right? Oh, I also played a lot of Pokémon SoulSilver in the past days. I've had so much trouble with the Steelix being Level 35 and only getting scratches from my full force fire attacks. After some annoying training I managed to OHKO it, and I got really happy. While I was on my training, I suddenly encountered Entei. I was pretty surprised, but I kind of got the idea that capturing Entei would be my chance to finish off that freaking Steelbeast. So I spend 1 hour, I repeat, 1 goddamn hour in catching this Pokémon. Why? Because I'm stubborn as fuck. The Entei was Level 40 and had full HP, after round 1 it would instantly run away, meaning I had to catch that thing in the first round. You know how low the chance is to catch a Level 40 legendary Entei with full HP without any status changes? 1.59%.
I must've been nuts to try and catch it. But well, after 1 hour I eventually gave up on that idea.

Since I didn't have any further troubles in the game I kept playing until, of course, the emulator had to freeze and I wasn't able to save shit. Which made me angry. Really angry. So I gave up on playing Pokémon for the time being. However, I've played a lot more Warcraft 3 again, with all the funmaps it offers it always is a good choice if you want to have a game which you can play to pass time with your friends.

Also, I'd like to mention two more important people in my life, who recently (re)appeared. First one would be Cheo. She's unbelievable shy and that's also what makes her cute. She's been a friend of me for quite a long time, until she didn't come online anymore, which made me pretty sad back then. However, she came online again the last week and I was able to chat and phone a whole bunch with her. I'm really happy to have her back since I really consider her a true friend.
The second one would be Kumiko. Heh. I met Kumiko on Steam, we talked, and we liked each other. Kumiko's a lot different than me or many other of my friends, since he's pretty much "into real life". Meaning he's not online often and even if, we do not share the same time zone. However, I enjoy spending time with him despite that he can be a real asshole once in a while, but I'm not any different.

Look how much I wrote again! Geez, how come whenever I want to make something short, it turns out to be so much... Anyway! Have a nice weekend, everyone!


  1. Often-times, old things are kept alive by the sheer malleable nature of it's gameplay - there's an awful lot of crazy stuff that's been cooked-up in game like Warcraft.

    I wonder if things like Team Fortress 2 will be like that, a couple years from now?

    Team Fortress 3 will be out, but people are still playing the old one because of the massive amount of changes they've done to it themselves...

    I don't know. It's feasible.


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