10000 Blog Views!

Yes! I have finally reached the point where I start to feel glad I began to make this blog. It sure was a load of work, of course just writing and all of that, but as well a bit of picture-editing for the links to my friends' sites.

I basically didn't think of a big speech for this event, but this post is the least I can do. I feel really honored so many people actually saw this, even though many didn't read through it, it still feels good that it wasn't all for nothing. It really is a great feeling my blog became so famous. I mean, it's not really THAT famous, but it still is known by certain people without me telling them.

I have also thought about how to bring more life in this blog, and there my girlfriend went with the idea, I could make a second author who posts different kind of stuff whenever I am not in the mood, or I could plan on making "events", like, posting certain information at certain dates, for example she said I could introduce a Touhou character every sunday, with much information about it. That way, I get more viewers and my blog doesn't look all that empty.

I shall give this thought a chance, probably looking up some stuff and maybe I will introduce something new next time you see this blog. Until then, farewell!


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