Objection! x.x

I think I never was that pissed in my whole life. I don't even know how to put it in words. It's like, each and every person acts up somehow, most get pissed at me for no reason, and at the top some people think it is fun to block me, though I really liked them. Anyway, I'd so mention their names, but because some might calm down, and some might read this blog, they probably would block me again.

So let's start with the first part. One girl is like damn choleric. She denies it, but nonetheless it's true. She acts up for every small thing, if you just make a joke about anything, she misunderstands it and flips out. Also, she likes to let her anger out at anyone who talks to her, even if it's not your fault. Rawr. She knows I really like her, and she does so as well, but with this attitude, our friendship won't last long.

Some other girl, well, she was busy all day anyway, and I didn't get to chat to her much, but still I liked her. She was really fun to chat with, and helped me lots. However, she kinda began to hate me because I helped the girl from the first part to find out she was cheating on her. Or something like that. Anyway, today, she blocked me, and oh well, I'm getting used to it.

Oh, and not to mention this "I-pretend-to-like-you" guy. I thought we were good friends, we fought in a game, and he was fun to chat with, however someday, he suddenly deleted me, and obviously blocked me as well. Don't ask me why, I'm starting to wonder what's wrong with some of those Xfire users.

Besides the trouble I had with Nia, and which I clarified, there were good things to happen though. Like Katha. I'm scared of saying how much I like her, since she might check out this blog and then... xD. However, I really like her, and besides Nia she is one of the key persons of my life. I'm glad I met her, and I'm glad she's not so easily irritated as the others are.

Well, so far for my life in the last week, I'll keep you guys up to date if something new happens, especially regarding this "first" girl...


  1. Ughhh, that's gotta SUCK, dude. I swear, some people these days are pricks, it's even hard to want to relax and chill out with people. Anyways, talk to me when you can, since..I'm usually gonna be on MSN. The people I talk to the most have my MSN, so I won't be on XFire that much.

  2. einer meiner lieblingsfilme hats treffend beschrieben:

    "Wir überlegen uns genau, wen wir in unsere kleine Welt reinlassen. Auch du bist nicht perfekt. Und um dir eine Unsicherheit zu ersparen - diese Frau, die du da kennst, ist auch nicht perfekt. Die Frage ist, ob ihr füreinander perfekt seid oder nicht. Nur darum geht es."

    btw: ich hab genauso viel angst wie du x3 ._. *knuffz*


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