Mundane Moments

Greetings. I wanted to write earlier than this, but I just couldn't get around to it. Everytime I felt like writing, it was so early in the day that I simply told myself "well, it's not much of a diary if you write it at the start of the day, right?"

Frankly, it's an excuse, because you can write about the previous day just as easily. So here I am, 10:28 in the morning, I have a meeting in 2 minutes so I'm actually going to stop writing then and return to this post afterwards. Kind of strange, right? For you this will read like one continuous post, but for me it'll be a story written in parts.

What's been going on then, you ask? Great question! Well, maybe not that great given that it's just about what you'd expect someone to have on their mind when visiting a blog. The answer is, a lot and very little. How we measure time is very subjective in a way, to some, an hour can feel like a long time, and naturally if you truly break it down, a lot happens by default from day to day.

I've been living through the motions day by day. That's not a bad thing mind you, I like having a routine. I get up, shower, work, sometimes I eat something during lunch break, sometimes I work through. Once work is over, my day is usually spent playing video games or watching anime. Real simple, right? Lately I've actually been spending a good chunk of my time with someone I've met and, dare I say it, I'm romantically interested in. Now, you don't know this, but my past 6 years have been an absolute rollercoaster in terms of relationships. I've made a lot of experiences, good and bad, and have learned a lot about what I want and what I'm looking for in a relationship. That doesn't mean I'm not going to make any more mistakes, though it doesn't stop me from giving it my all. What's the point in a relationship if you're not willing to give it 100% from the beginning? At least that's what I think.

Ah, did I even say what I work as? I'm a web developer, though aiming to be full-stack sometime down the line. I specialize in JavaScript (duh) and Python, though I dabble in some other languages whenever necessary. I'm a good at front-end stuff, decent at back-end but terrible at anything relating to administration. I was very lucky to get the job that I have right now and even though I'm not getting the kind of money I could be getting elsewhere, the people are great and I enjoy the kind of freedom I'm given when tackling any tasks that need doing. I work from home most of these days, you know, given the global pandemic that's going on right now, however even before that I was allowed to do that every other day or so. Moving forward, I'd reckon home office is going to be the norm for most of us working here.

Been playing an exorbitant amount of The Binding of Isaac, which, if you're not familiar with games, is a Roguelike that has a fairly "gross" aesthetic but it's chock-full of fantastic gameplay that appeals to me. They released a new DLC recently which pretty much just about doubled the amount of content the game had to offer, and a lot of it has to be unlocked by playing, so that's what I've been doing. As for anime, well, a new season's started so I'm waiting on a lot of the animes to properly come out yet. I enjoy binging series more than I enjoy watching them gradually. There's nothing worse then being stuck on a cliffhanger for a week because the anime is still airing.

Remember when I said I'd pick up this post after the metting? Joke's on you, it's been a day since then. And you don't know which parts of this post I've written when. It's the illusion of text-based communication. You've all been led astray by my words. How could I do such a cruel thing?

I'll see you guys next time.


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