Living on.

Some people do not seem to like the fact that I feel so bad, and at least for their sake I can try to cheer up a bit. Life was okay for now, I mean it's not like I'm suffering because of the fact that I get no job, I mean I have a perfect life for now, but still I won't have an easy life if I don't have any job in the future.
Pokémon Black and White is out in Japan, and I've played the Japanese version a bit. It's pretty awesome and just as fun as every other Pokémon RPG. Especially the fights make the whole game a alot more lively, since the sprites are all animated, constantly. I've seen, but of course, all of the new Pokémon, and there are quite a few pretty amazing ones. But enough about Pocket Monsters.
I've played a lot of League of Legends with Mirodir and the others recently, I've really grown to like that game again. I also played some Sims 3 while I was bored, and a whole bunch of Team Fortress 2. Especially because of the new Mann-conomy update, where they added the long awaited trading system, new items, and a shop where you can buy items. The good thing is, all items you can buy are not craftable, and you can find them all the usual way, with the same stats. I think that's a very good decision.
I... haven't really found a job, yet again. I'm still looking, but there's so much stuff which is no-good, and if I find something cool, something just doesn't work out for me to get that job.
My parents don't really like that fact, as you can probably imagine. My father is just really pissed off at me, and my mother is too worried about the fact that I'll ruin my life. Or so she thinks. Well, I can't do more than to just keep trying.
Anyways, yeah. Haven't made a blogpost in a while so I figured I might as well do that again. I really somewhat stopped caring for my blog since I lost a lot of motivation for obvious reasons. Oh, yeah, I've read a lot of stuff on TVTropes, a very interesting site with a very addicting impact. I really like it, but once you start reading you'll stick around for at least 30 minutes. I can't really think of much else that's happened. Oh, yeah. I recently visited the orthodontist again. Why? As I've recently noticed many of you do not know the fact that I indeed have braces. Nothing too new or interesting, except for the fact that they fucking screw my whole mouth, and I since a few days ago constantly bleed at least a tiny bit in my mouth. That thing's scratching my tongue open again and again, and I can't even stop it, I "have to get used to it".
Well, no idea what else to say. Have a new avatar in Steam. Traded alot of shit in TF2. Bought some heroes in LoL. Created new Sims in Sims 3. Started watching Mitsudomoe. Still suck at life.
Good luck in your life, see you around.
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