
Transformice. A title which doesn't make too much sense when you know what the game is about. You basically are a mouse and need to get some cheese and bring it to your hole. Sounds easy? There are a lot of obstacles to hinder you doing so, also, sometimes you can't get to the hole. If it weren't for the shaman. The shaman is a special sort of mouse which can spawn all sorts of planks, boxes and anvils in order to help his fellow mice achieve their goals. However, being shaman is not always as easy as it sounds, not just that the controls are something you really have to get used to, the other mice won't make it easy for you to build, because sometimes they just don't go where you want them to, so you can't help them.

I better get you guys a gameplay video, there's a lot I can't describe and is easier to show.


  1. The other mice aren't always forgiving of the Shaman-in-Training, either.

    One misplaced Anchor or poorly-aimed Spiriting and you'll get more than your fair share of "nub shammy, lol" and various other things befitting of a game of Counter Strike.

    Cheese is also a sort of currency for a vaguely Team Fortress system of accomplishment centered around Hats - buy the more expensive hats to show off and let everyone know you've been at it for awhile.


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