Boredem reigns~ Part 2

Aye. As promised here is my second boredom part. Though I am not as bored as I was in the first one, I do have many things to talk about, most regarding my current situation in life. Well, as some of you still know I was pretty much a single who didn't get the girl he loved and all that stuff. Well, guess who got a girlfriend.

Her name is Natasha Przybyla, and I know you do not know how to pronounce "Przybyla", and I beg you, don't try. It's polish and the "Prz" is pronounced as "Psh", go figure that. However, she is 18 and lives, just like me, in Germany, kind of far away though. Still, we intend to meet at Christmas, and my best friend, Mirodir, intends to come then, too, since we all know each other. At this point I'd like to say, yes, his blog does suck, but I didn't make that much effort into a picture for nothing, so go visit his blog! xD. The same goes for my channel, which basically almost dies away, and, of course, Jenny's blog, she is my mentor after all.

Anyway, it's weird to admit but I do love Tasha. I never felt something like that, I did feel feelings close to it, but I never felt as good as with her. And those who think I'm too kindhearted now are probably just jealous of me because of their loveless life.

So much to say about Tasha, my real life is pretty much okay as well. I still do suck in school sometimes, just got an F in Maths, but besides that I'm not the nerd I'm used to be. Well, as long as I'm in school. Of course I still just sit on the computer all day, and I'm happy that this fact won't change for a long time.

Enough of this chit-chat, I'll keep you guys updated about me, my life and Tasha, and of course about my internet doings, so keep cool!


  1. I'm pretty sure that, in Poland anyway, Przybyla is pronounced "sh-BEE-wa"


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