Celebrate Cerebration

I'm sick.

Or at least I was sick the entire last week, acute bronchitis the doctor said. I was pretty happy when he told me to stay home for a week, although I did NOT expect me to be seriously sick like I was. It's over, or at least mostly over now. Monday I'll probably go to work again, as long as nothing unforseen happens.

So anyhow, greetings my fellow followers. I've been thinking much about this blog, and the layout of the blog. I've been thinking about moving, as in, moving somewhere completely different, making a new blog, or rent a homepage to make a new name for myself. The Great Rio has died down, a long time ago, actually. What's I'm treating upon are the remains of a past that I can no longer call my actual life, and thus, no longer my actual blog. It feels weird, but it's true. When I started this, I WAS The Great Rio, I was overconfident to hide the fact that I was actually drowning in self-pity. Now, I'm Ryou Takeshi, a different person, much more mature, yet still childish, that side will probably always remain. I've talked to some sort of psychologist not too long ago, talked about my life, where I want to go with it. Talked about myself, talked about pressure, talked about how childish I often am. She said it's good though. She said it's a good thing to still have this inner child. I've never thought of it like that. I've always thought of it like a burden, like something I don't want to have, something that makes me less of what I want to be. But I guess I've come to accept it. I've come to accept who I am, come to terms with myself about a lot of things that have been troubling my mind for eternity.

Recently, Miro showed me an old post of mine, it was a year ago, or so, I've talked about people in my life, gave a general outlook for newcomers what I'm actually talking about, and what my life really is like. Unless you guys mind it, I'll just do that again right now.

Off goes, I guess. I'm Pascal Kammer, usually called Ryou Takeshi by almost everyone now, still nicknamed Rio, or Glam occasionally since the name "Ryou" isn't available everywhere. I'm currently 18 years old and I'm happily... can I say engaged? I don't know. I have a girlfriend I guess, with whom I'm really happy with. She's kind, good-hearted, a little clumsy here and there, we get in lots of fights and she doesn't appreciate herself. But she loves me more than anything else in this world, and that's why I treasure her more than anything else myself. Her name's Lena Feldmann, I'm just taking the liberty to tell her real name, she's nicknamed Panda, and mostly called this way online. She's 17 right now, beautiful in my eyes, although she never thinks so herself. She has a hard life, it's easy for me to relate to her since, I, too, have had a rough life myself. But moving on.

Miro, always the second one in the list, for this exception, of course. I don't know where to start here, and I've said this probably a million times already, but yeah. He's my best friend, that's what he'll always be. We sure do fight a lot, too, and some days, heck, even weeks sometimes, we don't spend much time at all anymore. But we do have time to sit down and talk eventually. Reflect about our lives. I'm an egocentric bitch, I'll tell you that, but one thing's for sure, I'm proud of him. He walked literally the same path, but unlike me, he got a hold of himself and is living a pretty damn good life. He's got a sure job, something that's fun for him, he makes tons of money and still finds time to hang out in the internet. I envy him a lot, and I feel like sometimes I do him wrong with that, since he worked hard for what he has, and, well I can't say I haven't worked hard either, but I probably haven't worked hard enough. Or I've just had bad luck, let the fates decide that. He knows how much of a jackass I can be, but he's also changed and can be pretty much an asshole, too. What's actually funny here is that I'm thinking that might be due to my influence, so I guess I can't complain there. You just do your thing, I'll be rooting for you or something. Just don't... mention this post alright?

Down the list, Slein. Well buddy, what do I say? We share a common bond, he's a good friend and we have great times together, although they're mostly in games rather than outside. But we've gotten closer the past months so I guess that's a start. He's still an awesome friend as always, I appreciate his existance, and I'm glad he's around. Life would be a lot more boring without him, and I'd say aside from Mirodir, and obviously my girlfriend, he's one of the key figures in my life.

I guess... it's your turn now, Shade. Heck, what do I even say there. I'm glad you found your love, and I deeply apologize again for all the trouble I've caused you about it, it's just been kind of rough for me there, too. Again, we've known each other for a long time and still keep contact, and that's an amazing thing since usually the people I treasure most, I kind of lose contact with. That doesn't mean I stop caring, just, yeah, it's sad. But for you, wow, look at you go. You've grown so much, you've changed a lot. When we first met you were, and I'm not joking there, an emotionless blob. And now? Man, you're so tsundere I can't even describe it. You're so full of life, so full of emotion. I'm still sorry what happened between us, I screwed up, you know me. But it's helped you a lot, at least the time before and after that, and maybe the good things that have happened between us. I hope you and Sam are happy together.

Now, here's where my list, actually, kind of ends. I know... hundreds of other people I could name here, and would end up forgetting someone. I'll still just faintly name some of the people I enjoy my everyday life as for now.

Timmy, heck, I don't even know the rest of your name right now. You get me so mad sometimes, and I just hate you then, but in all actuality, you're a fine guy, you're fun, cool to talk to, and yeah, that's pretty much all I can say about that. You probably don't even read this blog.

Next on the list, again, this list is no ranking, it's just how they come to mind, is Albi. Yeah, girl. I don't know what to say here. We've kind of, sadly enough, outgrown each other a bit, and that makes me really sad. Maybe it's because you're not Steam, maybe it's because you're not Teamspeak, I can't tell, but I don't really talk to you at all anymore... I'll never forget our meeting, it sounds pretty weird and shit, but that day was magical. I had so much fun, and I've had deep feelings for you the most of my lifetime, but I can't change a person, nor can I change its thoughts. You didn't want more, and so it was. It was sad, I guess, I cried about it, too. But I've moved on, but I'm glad I've shared this experience with you. We should definitely get in touch again, someday. I won't forget you that easily.

I am so making this blogpost longer than I wanted to, sigh. I guess this one goes out for all my Twitter and Tumblr friends, who are not really friends, but more or less colleagues and acquaintances. Just a quick shout out for Füschlatz, who's a really cool guy and shares the love for Touhou just as I do. Also Hiroto Sumi, which is a really good friend whom I can trust and share interests with. As well as TsunTaiga, or for that fact, Jakka-Jon, who really got me into a great group of people in Skype and is generally a really cool person to hang out with. Paul, of course, who's an amazingly fun guy I really love to chat and talk to. And Myrhh, who I got to know and love playing League with, you're cool, too. And most importantly, Dreamcrytsall, who, frankly, I got to know years ago, but rebonded more or less in Twitter with. She's also the main person when it comes to retweeting the crap I say. And of course, a thanks to all my 91 followers as of now, you guys are awesome, I love that you like what I have to say. And as for Tumblr, I don't even know half of you guys, I just see that I reblog your stuff, and you reblog mine, so we're all cool. A big thanks to you, too.

I suppose that's that. That is one hell of a big text wall. I've been thinking of remaking my blog on Tumblr, and just linking everyone here to there, but then again, is that a good idea? I mean, I don't know. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this one, as I think it's really a big thing for me. Should I keep this blog? Should I rent a homepage and start a new? Or should I make a Tumblr account for my new blog appearance? Leave your thoughts in the shout, in the comments, or contact me privately.

So, just to finish this off because I've recently got really hooked into Touhou (On that note, I'm uploading my favorite Touhou themes to Tumblr almost daily), I guess I'll link another video, but this time not Touhou related, but the opening to my currently favorite anime of all time.

As well as one of the funniest scenes in the entire anime, it doesn't take long either.

Well, that's all from me, Nichijou is the best shit I've watched in a long time, hope you guys try it out. We'll see each other... I don't know, soon? No idea!


  1. "retweeting the crap I say." Oh dude, this is crap ;D
    I love what you say 'cause you say it without hesitation and you say it directly into someone's face ^^ This is why I like you so much <3

    Oh, and btw, you've mistaken two letters of my name.

  2. I kind of like this blog... Change the layout maybe, but don't go out and kill all your posts! And if you really are going to destroy them, tell me first. There's things here I'd like to save.


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