Oh life, thou art a heartless bitch

But we keep fighting, do we not? As long as we strive to stay alive that means we're fighting, fighting against the surge of waves in this ocean we call life.

Well, my life isn't as bad as it could be, I mean it is a little shitty that I have less money than I expected, and it is a little hard going to work and working for countless hours for a considerably meagre wage, but it's okay. It's not like life is full of bad things. I mean it mostly contains bad things, but as a human being even 25% good compared to 75% bad is "worth living for".

My colleagues aren't so bad, it's mostly somewhat fun to work there so I'm not all too angry about it. Sometimes things get a little annoying, but I think it all goes in a healthy balance. Helping out customers really is the best, it's amazingly fun and I usually feel great about myself when I've really helped out someone. Working inside the storage can get really tiring and eventually hurts your entire body, but it's a great feeling to have a challenge like that and you know that you've accomplished something today at the end of the day. I'm looking forward to the money I'll get for working a month there now, it's going to be my first wage so I guess it's just as special as your first kiss or something. Just a little thrilled is all.

So of course I am still an otaku and a gamer. That means I still watch anime and I still play games, or I play anime games and hit two birds with one stone. I haven't really watched any anime except for Naruto, but I did happen to watch a lot of cartoon, namely the Boondocks for any of you who might know it, and for any who don't, here's the intro.

It's an amazingly well made cartoon made by not a company, but people like you and me, it's about many things, usually involves black people and dark humor (Oh, that one was good) and it's pretty fun to watch. You'd think a series like this has about 10 episodes, but you're wrong, it features 3 seasons starring about 45 episodes in total, that is one heck of an amount for a free series.

Then, other than that, I played lots of different games, yet only two are really worth mentioning, Portal 2 and Ghost Trick. I enjoyed Portal 2 to the very last and it's an amazing game, the ending was just so awesome and the gameplay was as thrilling as I had hoped. But that's not too great because that was what I was expecting. It's much more amazing if a small DS game named Ghost Trick seems neat and turns out to be so incredibly fun and twisted that it's not even funny anymore. But I'm not really in the mood to talk about these games right now, I'm more in the mood for trailers, so I'll post trailers. Be warned, the Portal 2 video might contain spoilers, but it's just too epic to not show.

Portal 2 Ending Song

Ghost Trick Trailer

That's all you'll be getting from me today. I'm sorry that I don't update as often as I used to, but I'm pretty busy, and when I'm not, I'm taking my free time to get around to actually play a game for once. I'm thankful for anyone who's still really checking in. Keep it tight!


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