This times Game: Heroes of Newerth

Heroes of Newerth is a generally new type of game, which is really hard to explain in just one sentence, so I'll make it as quick as I can, but don't expect much out of it.

In Heroes of Newerth, Heroes are primarily organized by their main attribute - either strength, intelligence, or agility. A main attribute, along with the set of abilities that is provided for a hero, loosely assigns the role that they will fill in the game - such as an "initiator" who is geared towards being the first hero into a fight, a "carry" who scales very well the longer the game moves on and deals massive damage and "support" - heroes which have a range of abilities from healing and buffing to damage and disables.

While the three primary attributes help categorize heroes, what truly distinguishes each hero from others is their set of abilities. Each hero in the game has four unique skills or spells that can be learned and improved as the hero gains levels. These abilities accomplish vastly different things, such as dealing damage, healing, stunning, immobilizing or silencing, teleportation, summoning, and life and mana draining. While the skills themselves are unique, the skills of each hero usually have some sort of synergy with each other. For example, a hero might have one skill that reduces an enemy's defenses against magic, and another skill that deals magic damage. Using these skills one after the other increases the hero's effectiveness by allowing them to do more damage. Each hero's skill-set defines their role in the game. These roles can vary according to the compositions of each team as well as the overall strategy that the team decides to follow. Heroes can belong to multiple categories. In addition, item selection is an important factor that determines a hero's role. 

To summarize all of this, it's pretty much just like Defend of the Ancients (DotA) for Warcraft 3, just a newer version with newer characters and better graphics.


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